Intel QuarkTM SoC X1000 application processor, a 32-bit, single-core, single-thread, Intel Pentium processor instruction set architecture (ISA)-compatible, operating at speeds up to 400 MHz.
Support for a wide range of industry standard I/O interfaces, including a full-sized mini-PCI Express* slot, 100 Mb Ethernet port, microSD* slot, USB host port, and USB client port.
256 MB DDR3, 512 kb embedded SRAM, 8 MB NOR Flash, and 8 kb EEPROM standard on the board, plus support for microSD card up to 32 GB.
Hardware and pin compatibility with a wide range of Arduino Uno R3 shields.
Programmable through the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) that is supported on Microsoft Windows*, Mac OS*, and Linux host operating systems.
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